Tuesday, February 23, 2016

New music; Marginal

For this work, i've used some samples from the 'Deus Ex Human Revolution Soundtrack' produced by Michael McCann. I invite you to buy this awesome soundtrack on www.Amazon.com
(Concerning the samples); All right reserved to Michal McCann

New Music; God

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Freddie your opinion on glock

I was looking to buy a pistol which i already had a 45cal, but i didnt like it so i sold it mostly, because i needed money to move. I was looking into the glock 20 10mm handgun for conceal carry. I was wondering if you ever shot the 10mm if so what is your opinion on it. Also, what is your opinion on other calibers pistols in the glock like the 40sw, 9mm.