Thursday, January 15, 2015

Do Not Let Your Anger Go Public

Do Not Let Your Anger Go Public

“I have said, “Express your negative emotions,” but I have not said “publicly.” That’s how things become distorted.” 

“Now if you are feeling angry with someone and you start expressing you ranger, the other person is not going to be a Gautam Buddha and sit silently.  He is not a marble statue, he will also do something.  You will express anger, he will express anger.  It will create more anger in you – and anger or violence create the same from the other side and with a vengeance.  Then you will feel like going into it more, because you have been told to express.”

“Yes, I have told you to express – but I don’t mean publicly.  If you are feeling angry go to your room, close off the room, beat the pillow, stand before a mirror, shout at your own image, say things that you have never said to anybody and always wanted to say.  But it has to be a private phenomenon, otherwise there is no end.” – Osho “Emotions” pg. 35

When anger is expressed publicly, it must be done in very delicate ways in which to not incite more hatred and anger from those exposed to it.  I see it is best to keep these emotions private, to express these emotions in private.  Expressing emotions of anger publicly will get you burned.  If you express this anger publicly, it will spread like wildfire, next thing you know, it will get out of control and everything will burn down.  A beautiful house that you have spent 5 years constructing now is nothing but ashes.  Express anger, but only privately, not publicly. 


  1. I never expressed my anger in public at all. I hope to never do it. Lol

    1. You sure about that? You expressed a lot of anger on this Blog LOL. But it's cool because it's not hurting you in your pockets, but it's hurt me bad. The internet can be used as a way to creative let this anger out, but thing is, there are people on the other end receiving this anger that end up reacting off this expression, which is not good.

  2. Valuable teaching. Anger could also be seen as nuclear waste that must be disposed of with great care and in responsible ways, so others don't get hurt.

    1. That's a great way of looking at it, anger is definitely very potent energy.

  3. That's interesting. I was expressing a lot of anger sometime in private. Thing is i thought i was wrong. Maybe it ain't that bad, since it doesn't get distorted or it doesn't affect anybody but myself. Well i gotta manage a little more tho.


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