Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feminism and their flaws

I came across a book titled 'He's a Stud, She's a Slut Double Standard'. I have not read the book before but the title itself is elaborating on the problem that when a guy have sex with bunch of girls he is praised, but when a woman does it, she's called names, and judged harshly. I kinda agree with this statement. However, I want to address an issue that I believe is going on right now. It is fine for women to work...I mean if they want to obey their asshole managers and CEO and suck their dicks and call it freedom, go ahead. It's your life. However, the problem is that women nowadays are not allowing men to be men anymore. They want to step in and take care of the men. They want the men to depend on their income. Feminists want equality between men and women but they have made things worse between men and women. I remember when Freddie said:"Men are playing the role of women." I see this as truth also. It is not men who make the first step. The ladies make the first step. Oh by the way, when the man does not have a job, the woman will think that she can just take care of the man and maybe the man will realize how she cares for him and possibly get a job. However, you cannot change man! He is just going to see that you accept him the way he is and he will depend on you! Later on, you are going to complain: "Why don't you be a man and get a job?" Well you made him not wanting to get a job. He is not the only one to blame here. You are too, lady. The reason why I bring that up is because that feminists seem to just want to take control over everything man does. They believe they are doing something better for the women but they are destabilize society as a whole. The title of that book one day is going to be an excuse for women to be slut and men to be sexually repressed! And the title will become "He's a Slut, She's a Stud Double Standard" Feminists think that they are becoming real woman but they are become less women ever. There was a feminist who cut her husband penis just because he wants to ask for a divorce. Do you know how feminists react? They react as if he deserved it. These fucking bullies. I got no respect for this movement at all. If anyone wants me to join a feminist group, I will personally tell that person to go fuck herself.


  1. Chris Rock mentioned it himself in his standup. The reason women are labeled sluts when they sleep around is because it is just way too easy for them to get dick when they want it. They step outside the door and men are lined up ready to offer sex. Whereas for men, they have a very difficult time finding women to get laid. So they deserve to be called sluts for sleeping around, it is their responsibility to control their sexual urges and sleep with the right man, they are the ones who get pregnant too, not the men. There is a double standard because men and women are not the same!

    1. Lmao. You crack me up. You are right. We are different genders. Women and men are not the same.

  2. Man, really? Wow...I never knew that.

  3. The evils of our slave masters had a major influence towards the ills of feminism. It's an easy method to enforce population control.


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