Real Martial Arts is Not for Children
Real Martial
Arts is not for children. The public has
been deceived by mass media. Martial
Arts is real talent, real skill, real responsibility, real discipline. Real firearms training is not for children
but for responsible adults. Anybody,
child or adult can kick and punch, but no child will ever be able to bench
press or squat over 250 lbs. Heavy
weight lifting is not possible and unsafe for children but can only be done by
a strong and fit adult.
Driving a
motor vehicle you need to be at least 16.
To drink alcohol you need to be at least 21. To become a Police Officer you need to be at
least 21. To join the military you need
to be at least 18. To own a firearm you
need to be at least 21. To become a
responsible father you need to be at least 21.
To become a successful entrepreneur you will need to be at least
21. To own a home you will need to be at
least 21. To be ready for marriage you
will need to be at least 21. Anything
that is important in life requires responsibility; with greater responsibility
you will have greater freedom. Real
Martial Arts requires responsibility.
Real Martial Artists are mature and responsible.
Real Martial
Arts is not “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”, it is not “Power Rangers”, it is
not “The Karate Kid.” Real Martial Arts
is Bruce Lee, Tupac, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Osho, Socrates,
Lao-tzu. It is power that is guided by
wisdom. It is not just kicking and
punching, it is power through Art, it is power through speech, the more modern
a Martial Artist, the less kicking and punching, but the way is demonstrated
via speech and way of life.
Great post