Oki Sifu and fellow Todai... This is my response to the
video posted on the FMK YouTube channel a couple days ago, pertaining to my
monetary donations, training interests, and how my participation might best
assist in strengthening and developing the kwoon. Sifu,
your video covered a lot of ground in a relatively short time, and you've
presented me with a number of good questions. What I really appreciate about
your video is that it shows the amount of thought and effort that you are
investing in trying to accommodate different students, rather than imposing a
strict single path, and for me it's a confirmation that my non-physical efforts
are succeeding in prompting dialog that can potentially lead to important
learning and growth. Certainly I am being enriched by this
experience, and I hope it is helping others as well. My only concern is that I
don’t want any dialog I prompt to become
a nuisance or energy drain, but rather a potential source of enrichment for
With that said, unfortunately, as I sat down to write this response, I
realized that I couldn't do justice to the process in just a few words. I feel
like it's important for me to communicate in-depth what I'm about, in order
that everyone better understands the kind of approaches I've been taking and/or
proposing within FMK, and this quality of explanation takes a little more time.
So... my response is a bit lengthy. I have pasted it below, separated into twelve comments, so as not to take up too much space on the main page of this blog and
detract from its aesthetics. The first part (Comments 1-5) is autobiographical, to
help contextualize the second part (Comments 6-12), which gets directly to my
responses to the questions posed. Sifu, if you only have time to read part of
this, read from Comment 6 through 12. I would be happy, though, if my recent donation
was utilized to reimburse you for taking the time to read all of my response, because
I think it will help us work together for the benefit of this kwoon long-term
if you know more about me.