Monday, August 6, 2012

Todai Kang CLF Progress

Form looks great, very precise with every movement & graceful.  I can tell you have been working hard, You are ready for the next lessons.  You can always work on getting the stances lower & holding them longer.  Once you get the horse, arrow, & cross stances to the lowest position, keep trying to get that cat stance lower, this can take many years to perfect. 

Great job, you were hitting that pole pretty hard, I saw it shaking, & that pole is pretty thick, keep up the good work, you got good body movement.  Just be careful not to push yourself too much, gradually develop yourself in exercises such as this.


  1. I will keep that in mind Shi zu. I think I hurt my wrist while I was hardening my forearms with the arrow stance.

  2. Oh yes, getting the stances lower can take years to perfect! I don't refute that at all. But I will keep on working on getting them lower.

  3. So do you get to jump in that pool after a good round of training? I glanced back and compared this to some of your earlier progress videos, and the CLF is definitely looking smooth

    1. LOL. I wish I could jump in that pool! Thank you. Your videos look pretty good too Ryan.

  4. Hi Kang,

    Just wanted to say thanks for sharing your progress videos with us. I am in no position to give any advice or criticism but hopefully my encouragement and support will be well received anyway. I think your CLF form looks very smooth and flowing and you were certainly giving that pole some stick!

    Keep up the great work Kang and thanks again for sharing your hard work.

    All the best and keep on smiling,

    1. That really means a lot to me Xiaolang. As FMK disciples, we need to encourage each other so we can promote FMK better. Yes your encouragement and support was well received.


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