Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Progress with the Choy Lay Fut Form
Finally, I am able to monitor my progress! I recently bought this Sony Bloggie HD camcorder and I received it on Friday. However, I tried to turn it on yesterday and it didn't work. So I charged it but it was blinking. Therefore, I looked it up on the internet and see if I can find an answer to that problem and I did! All I had to do is to reset it by pressing and holding the on/off button. Now it is charged fully and ready to rock and roll! I also owe an apology to everyone because I cannot live up to the kwoon's expectations. I just had some problems recording myself, and I recently lost the job that I had before. It was seasonal so I ended up not working anymore. However, I am going to school and see if I can have a part time job here. Hopefully it will turn out all right. The link is below and let me know anything you want me to work on.

See you next time!


  1. Oki Kang... Your CLF is looking awesome! Your form and flow are both great, way better than mine. It's nice that you have a camera now. I have a Sony Bloggie too. That's what most of my YouTube videos have been recorded on, though I also have a standard Sony camcorder as well, which is what I use when I'm in the coulees, so I can zoom on animals. The Bloggie is nice and compact, perfect for producing most of my FMK videos. Downside is, the battery doesn't hold its charge very well in cold weather, and if you record for more than 30 minutes it automatically shuts off. Watch out for that 30 minute time-out, I've lost some material because of it. Other than that, I'm sorry to hear you lost your job. Hopefully there will be something at your school you can nail down. Take it easy

    1. Yeah you are right about the Bloggie. It doesn't hold charge very good in cold weather. Thanks for the feedback. The only problem is my feet are not showing. Next time, I will choose a better spot to film it. Maybe when I am at the gym or something. You got further than me in the CLF so that's good but to be honest I think that our bodies are different so the way I express the techniques is never going to be the same as yours, and I cannot say my form is better than yours either. It's really subjective. In addition, you are doing a better job at promoting FMK better than me because you put videos out there on your progress and your thought on life. I rarely do that.

    2. I suppose that's true about subjectivity and bodily differences. I just thought you looked really good. Keep it up

    3. Thank you. I guess we are both looking good, huh? haha

  2. Good job! It's nice to see more videos from other online Todais.

  3. The form looks excellent. Keep up the good work, you have good power generation. As you progress in the form in the later videos you will see the modifications, you are doing a great job learning from these online private lessons. Do what you can to make weekly posts. I don't really have much time to speak on the phone that often, so put that energy in posting more on the blog and getting to know the other online Todai's. The tanktop looks great on you, now you are more official!

    1. Lol thanks for noticing how good how look with the tanktop. Sorry if I have been calling too much. You are definitely going to see more of my videos now that I have my camera fixed. I also look forward to see the modifications that you made.

    2. I don't mind the calls but Jenny has her psycho moments, she doesn't really like it when I take too much time away from the family with personal calls, so I gotta limit that. But you'll see me on this blog and you'll see the videos I post of course. But just put those energies into posting more videos, that will help the kwoon grow. As far as that video on friendship, forward it to Todai Ryan so that he can post it on the FMK channel. Get more Philosia videos out there as well b/c you do have some interesting things to say.

    3. I thought I was boring but thanks. Haha. I will also come out with videos on alcohol, happiness, and the books. "Psycho moments"? Haha that's funny. Maybe if I am in a relationship with a woman, I should expect that too. I do understand why family members in general would be like that.

  4. Thank you Todai Lian. You are doing good too. Keep up the good work. I do not want to compare you to anyone but it seems that we have a female version of Bruce Lee in FMK now. ;)

    1. Haha, I think I still have a little ways to go yet before I can be compared to Bruce Lee.

    2. Lol. Oh yeah? But I still believe he can be surpassed though.


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