Sunday, February 24, 2013

Secrets of Meditation

Now, I wrote secrets in the title. But let us face it. Are there secrets? The answer is no. There is no such thing as secrets. There are just discovery. What I really did is discovering meditation. Meditation is life as a whole. It is not just sitting and breathing although sitting and breathing is included in meditation. Yesterday, I was at the gym taking classes. I took a spinning class and an ab workout class. Yes they were very intense since it has been a long time since I rode a bike. Because Sifu Freddie Lee ride his bike a lot, I believe he would have own the spinning class. At first when I started the class, I felt my thighs about to rip apart! I was ready to give up but as soon as I thought of breathing, everything became easier. The pain were being nonexistent! The more intense the exercises, the harder I breath through it. Breath has the power to push your body beyond its own strength. The body is limited; it will label the pain but once meditation takes place, the body can endure a lot more! Yes, everybody has its limits. Maybe we encounter these limits because our meditation is not deep enough. Perhaps, striving to get strong is not enough; I should work on meditating deeper. As far as holding my kicks higher and longer, I am still working on that but the good news is I can hold the front kick and the side kick as long as I used to! I can even do more reps performing the front and the side kick thanks to the cable exercises. Thanks to my meditation, I became more creative with my workout and even with the combat techniques that I am practicing under Freddie's Modern Kung Fu. I found a way to perform these techniques without the need of any BOB dummy. I need a BOB for sure but it does not mean I should wait until I get one to condition my knuckles. Overall, can using the body alone if we want to be healthy? No, everything of our existence should be included: body, mind, and spirit. That's my Dragon way!


  1. That's neat. I think it's been about 10 years at least since I've rode a bike. I've thought about getting my old bike from my parent's house and seeing if it still works.
    Before FMK, I used to be good at breathing through my workouts. I didn't even realize it was a form of meditation; I was just trying to stay calm through the pain of exercising while my kid was distracting me.
    For some reason, lately it's harder for me to get into the right mindset even if I try breathing. I end up just pushing myself through the workout a lot of the time. Maybe I just need to relax more. I should work on that.

    1. I just realized it was a form of meditation yesterday. Most people see meditation as evil because of religious purposes. If breathing is evil, then by all means don't do anything. Just die and maybe you will go to Heaven! Lol. But meditation is more than just breathing. It's a way of life. Don't worry I am also working on that so like I always say, we are in this together.

    2. Right, there is a lot of debate about meditation. The Bible actually says to meditate too though. People tend to go a little overboard with fear I think. Like how they say that doing yoga stretches is evil because yoga was involved in ancient religious practices.

      But I think that the secret maybe lies in box-kicking.

    3. It takes a very settled mind to kick through the cereal box... lol. No, but really, what you're talking about here is often referred to as 'moving meditation' - no different than sitting meditation, or any other kind of meditation, in essence. Presence and awareness. I find myself in the kind of experience you're describing when I run

    4. Moving meditation can be practiced throughout the day through basic things too, right? Like even washing dishes? Just by being fully focused and aware of the one thing that you are doing.

      One of my favorite things about Eastern culture is the emphasis they put on quality. They don't just make tea like it's a chore; they become "one with the tea," and Tea Masters. It's like they put their whole selves into what they are doing instead of just doing what they have to do to get by. I've been trying to learn to put more passion into things that I do instead of just going through life like it is only a burden.

    5. Wow. You know I am starting to think that if more people in the West were more open to see the beauty of the East, their jobs would not be something they just have to do to survive. They will be able to be at one with their job...Maybe they wouldn't feel the need to pursue so called the American Dream! They would be too grateful to remain in the rat race.

  2. Great Post! I'm very glad you are getting involved with the Blog and communicating with Todai Lian & Todai Ryan quite often.

    1. Thanks Shi zu. Look I am sorry about the question that I posted after the video you made about Joe Rogan. He represent stupidity at its best. He doesn't know about Kung Fu at all so he criticize it. I thought you did not think that every other race can have their own Kung Fu than the Chinese... I guess I was wrong. I am really sorry about that.


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