Tuesday, March 24, 2015

No Human Being Can Be Owned

No Human Being Can Be Owned

Your parents helped create your body, but they do not own your body.  The government gives you a birth certificate and social security number, but they don’t own your body.  You can be married, but your partner does not own your body.  You do not even own your body.  Your body belongs to the universe.  It is like the sky, nobody can own the sky, it is just there.  The ego seeks to own and control.  The ego seeks to enslave and possess.  But a human being is not something that can be possessed like an inanimate object.  A human being is freedom, like the sky.  When you encounter other human beings, respect this freedom.  Parents should respect the freedom of their children.  Men should respect the freedom of women and women should respect the freedom of men.   


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