Sunday, March 29, 2015

Selected Quotes from Osho “Sermons in Stones” pg. 166 – 175 – Followed by My Reflections

Selected Quotes from Osho “Sermons in Stones” pg. 166 – 175 – Followed by My Reflections

“When a message comes from a master it has to be something so absolutely needed that the masters who are no more in their bodies feel that a message should be sent to all unconscious, sleeping, blind people.  But it is only when there is something urgent; otherwise, there is no need.”

When you become a messenger, your message is pure, it is inline with the Tao.  You do not speak too often, you only speak when necessary.  The ancient Masters, speak through you.  You do not have your ego standing in the way of their message.

“All these mediums are not mentioning the names of the real masters because then, compared to their statements, the rubbish message that they bring will look too poor.”

When Bruce was living, he was not mentioning anything about J.Krishnamurti.  It was only after his death that it was revealed that Bruce was studying the teachings of J.Krishnamurti and that his essential teachings were all borrowed from J.Krishnamurti.  J.Krishnamurti was the real Master, Buddha, Lao-tzu, and Osho are real Masters.  When Bruce mentions “Tao of Jeet Kune Do” he is trying to indicate the real Master, “Lao-tzu.”  When you study the teachings of the real Masters, the teachings of Bruce will look poor in comparison. 

“And you should also see that these people who have been chosen for this great work of becoming vehicles… their lives don’t prove it.  They are just as greedy, as angry, as jealous as anybody else.  Their mediumship would have transformed them.  In fact, unless they were transformed, they could not become mediums.” 

Bruce Lee was on the way of being transformed, but he was not transformed.  He was still very much wordly.  Greedy for fame, he had a violent temper, and it was clear he was a competitive man, and with competitiveness breeds jealousy.  He was studying Eastern Philosophy, but he did not master the teachings of the East before his death.  He simply served as a guide to introduce seekers to the teachings of the East, but he himself was not a Master in the spiritual realm of development in the Martial Arts. 

“When a sannyasin is closed, his first work should be not on the group participants, his first work should be upon himself.  He has to open; he has to be available to me.  This is simply an excuse – because if he is open to me, he is open to the whole existence.”

If a disciple or student is not open to my teachings in body, mind, and spirit, then he should not be within the group participants; he should keep his training private and work upon himself.  Only disciples who are truly open to learn body, mind, and spirit are the right fit for the group training development towards the Way.

“Why does a man want to be a therapist?  Has he done his own therapy?  Is he finished with his homework?  If not, then what right has he got to interfere in other people’s lives, their minds, their unconscious, their superconsious?”

Being a fitness trainer or a self-defense coach is one thing but being a Martial Arts teacher is another.  When you are a Martial Arts teacher, not only are you responsible for guiding your disciples in the realm of fitness and combat but also in the realm of spirituality.  You cannot be a true Martial Arts teacher if you are not awakened, if you are not enlightened.  It is not just book knowledge that you are passing on to the next person, you must have gone through the transformation yourself, only then are you truly ready. 

“The therapist has to remember that the moment he comes in he should, if he is honest, tell the participants that “I am no longer open to existence and in this state of closedness, I can only do harm to you.  I will work only when I am open, vulnerable.”

If the disciple is not open himself to learn from the Master, then he can only cause harm onto those he teaches.  They must focus on developing themselves to be open to learn before teachings others.   

“The therapist has to remind people continually that he is not the master.  The moment the therapist starts playing the role of the master, then he is going to do much harm to people.”

The disciple has to remind his students that he is not the Master.  If the disciple mistakenly starts playing the role of the master, then he is going to cause much harm to the people.  The misguided disciple will misguide his students, and his corrupted teachings will spread like a virus.

“He cannot be a master and if he wants his therapy to be of significance, he has to function as a vehicle, as a channel to a master he loves.  Then therapy goes through a transformation.”

A disciple must always function as a vehicle as a channel to a master he loves.  His teachings cannot be revolved around his own ego, they must function through a master in order to ensure the proper path.  The bigger brother must not mistaken himself to be the father.  The bigger brother will help the littler brother, the father will guide the bigger brother, the grandfather will guide the father.  Everybody has a guide, if there is no living guide, the guide becomes the Tao.   

“Right now, all over the world there are many therapists.  But my therapist is unique in the sense that he is not only working according to the findings of psychology – he is working according to the findings of Yoga, of Tantra, of Sufism, of Zen, of Tao, of Hassidism.  He’s a spiritual guide.  But for that, knowledge acquired only from books will not help . You will have to go through a transformation.”

The teachings from the East are required in order to achieve harmony and balance.  The teachings of the East guide you towards enlightenment.  The Martial Arts teacher has to go through a spiritual transformation himself in order to truly be a Martial Arts teacher, with no spiritual transformation, he is not a Martial Arts teacher, he may be a personal trainer, a combat coach, but he is not a Martial Arts Teacher.  A Martial Arts teacher must be spiritually transformed.  The only way a Martial Arts teacher can be spiritually transformed is through the teachings of the East, if the teachings of the East are denied by the teacher, he is not truly a Martial Arts teacher, he is a fraud. 

“And the participants in your groups can also be helpful to you, just as you can be helpful to them; because their problems are your problems, your problems are their problems.  And remember one thing: it is easier to solve somebody else’s problem because you are not involved.  You are detached, you can see more clearly because you are not in the mess.  You can help that man to come out and you can learn something for yourself because many times, you will be in the same situation.  I allowed therapists in my communes to work on the participants and to work on themselves.  The real work is upon yourself.  Only when you have a light within you, you may be able to share it with others.” 

The Master will not always be available to teach.  In those instances, disciples need to work amongst one another to further develop and grow.  They must feed off of each others understanding in order to aim towards a greater understanding.  When the Master is available, learn as much as possible, when he is not available, learn from one another and continue to grow.  The Master will make the teachings clear and understandable.  The fellow disciples can confuse one another and be uncertain, the growth will be a slower process, but it is a preparation towards achieving a greater understanding when the Master is available.


  1. Osho is the man. I have never seen a sage as wise as him. Thank you for sharing, Sifu Freddie Lee. I shall use his teachings as a way to live more in peace.

  2. Fantastic post with so much to think about! I can immediately see much of what has been said here applying to my life.


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