Camera Catches Prison Fight – Bully Picks On Skinnier Man
This is a video showing a real fight,
this is not for entertainment. I am
referencing this video for educational purposes, not to promote violence.
There was a heavier set person in a
stripe shirt who was the Bully and then there was a skinner person wearing all
black who was being bullied. The person
in all black was laying on the ground trying to sleep. The Bully was speaking on a cell phone with
someone telling him/her that he was in the county jail. The skinny person in all black corrected the
Bully and told him that it was a city jail, not a county jail. The Bully felt disrespected because of this
correction, I guess he could not handle someone correcting him because he felt
it made him look stupid. The Bully
proceeds to strike the skinny person laying on the ground repeatedly. The Bully strikes the skinner person with
fists a few times.
The skinnier person gets up and starts
fighting back. The skinner person lands
some devastating punches on the Bully and dazes him. The skinner person proceeds to land multiple
devastating blows towards the bully knocking the bully back. The cops get involved and taze the skinner
person and the skinny person drops straight to the ground hitting the floor
hard. The Bully gets surrounded by the
Police, the Bully then tries to lie to the police to tell them the skinny
person was striking him for no reason.
Although I do not promote violence, I
see that this video can serve as an educational tool for Martial Artists in
training. This is an example of what I
consider a real fight; this is clearly not combat sport. The camera is in one fixed position, there is
no paying crowd cheering for these people to fight. The person being bullied was not ready to
fight, he did not want to fight, he was just attacked violently
spontaneously. This is how a real fight
many times begins. There is always a
bully or aggressor and then there is a defender who does not want to fight but
then ends up fighting to protect his own life.
This video is a prime example of that.
Yes the person being bullied should not
have been in jail, but you don’t know why he was put in jail, he may have been
wrongfully arrested, or he could have been locked up for a misdemeanor
violation of law, such as a suspended license, DUI, smoking marijuana, a
domestic, etc. What I am saying is that
the person that was bullied is not necessarily an evil person, he might have
just made a mistake and was caught breaking the law by the police.
But if you assess this video alone, you
clearly see that the skinny person was not a violent person looking to hurt
other people, he was just laying down.
But what he did was he corrected the bully on the location of the
jail. And many times when dealing with
an aggressor, a gang member, or a criminal, you have to be very careful what
you say. A bully will take offense to
anything and everything. You look at him
the wrong way and he will want to fight.
You correct him on his vocabulary and
he will want to fight. You are wearing
something expensive that he wants and he will want to fight you for it. You are walking down the street with a beautiful
lady and he will want to fight. A bully
will constantly want to fight at all times.
When encountering a bully, it is best to stay silent, if anything that
is what the skinny person did wrong, he corrected the bully and the bully felt
embarrassed because of this correction; now the bully was ready to kill.
When dealing with any bullies or people
who greatly lack intelligence, it is best to remain silent and even prevent eye
contact with these individuals, as they will take it as a challenge. But the skinny person fought back exactly the
way a Martial Artist should fight back, as a defender, never an aggressor.
This is also an example of a real fight
because there were no rules, it was anything goes. There were no gloves, no body protection, no
mouth guards, etc. It was a real, raw
fight. The police even got involved and
tazed the defender not knowing who was in the wrong. This is also an example of a real fight
because there clearly were no weight classes.
It was not like the bully decided not to pick on this skinner man
because he weighed much less or that he was younger or older. The Bully will attack anyone no matter the
gender, size, weight, height, or age of whomever he wishes to bully.
Martial Artists need to be prepared
against anything and everything. It is
totally different than combat sport; this is an example of real life survival
training. As far as the person being
bullied, although he fought back with great skill after being spontaneously
attacked, it was not smart for him to be in a position of vulnerability
especially in such a high risk environment.
If he was standing in awareness being alert, it would have given him a
much better advantage. You cannot put
your guard down during situations of danger.
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