Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Hold on so you can let go

Most of us here in the FMK community are not sages, not even close. So what I say is get the knowledge, the inner and outer wisdom and put in motion one step at a time. One day, at a certain moment, you might have a beautiful surprise.

I feel that, we have, you have, to hold on so you can let go. Hold on to pride, goals, spirit, love, hate, passion etc... Then, in this journey, at a certain moment, in this quest of ours, you will feel completely detach, in meditation, in peace, then that will mean that you will have achieve the true meaning of letting go. Your spirit will be calm, aware at all time facing any circumstances.

Sages of this world didn't become sages overnight, it is a long journey. One that is beautiful. They did by overcoming many struggles and lots of pain.

You can, we can, try to be in peace right now, but it doesn't mean that we're ready, that you're ready. Getting the knowledge of peace and serenity doesn't mean that your spirit is ready to put this knowledge in full motion. Step by steps, inch by inch; push through! One day it can become effortless. When you reach that achievement of being in total meditation; achievements drops & you just be.


  1. Fantastic musical piece Steve. I agree with what you're saying and admire your clarity of thought. Thank you for sharing all of this, including the peaceful imagery.

    1. Thank you Ben, your feedback is always appreciated!

  2. Love the peaceful pictures and music, keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks Freddie, keep up the good work also with FMK and all!


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