Saturday, April 25, 2015

Speak Wisely

Speak Wisely

“Don’t speak anything that is not absolutely necessary.  Don’t speak anything that is going to hurt somebody.  It is better to be silent than to be unnecessarily in quarrels and fights and violence, because most of your violence begins with your words, with your mouth.” Lao-tzu from “Sermons in Stones” by Osho – pg. 445

From my past experiences, I have learned that I have to remain silent, to only speak when I feel it is necessary, not to speak because I am being paid to speak, not to speak to get attention or recognition, not to speak because I am asked to speak.  But rather to speak from the heart, never from the mind, but only from the heart.   If I choose to speak, I should speak when I am filled with love within, I should speak when I am at peace within.  If I am ever angry, I should not speak, it would be wiser to express this anger energy through physical exertion aimed towards creativity.  Harsh words can cause much damage to an individual’s psychology.  Clearly it is not good to be physically violent towards others but also it is not good to be verbally violent towards others as well.  All violence needs to stop physically and verbally.  


  1. You are absolutely right, Sifu. We should not talk out of our ass like people would say. Hahaha. I feel that that was the way Gandhi used to be. He used his shyness by thinking about what he is going to say. That allows him to only speak when necessary.

    1. It's funny you say that because Osho was talking about these monkey statues given to Gandhi that were created based on Lao-Tzu's teachings, and Gandhi used the statues as a representation of his own teachings. Gandhi was in agreement to Lao-Tzu in regards to speaking only when necessary.


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