Saturday, April 4, 2015

We Are The World

We Are The World

“Don’t think that you can prevent the Third World War, don’t think you can change poverty.  You can change only yourself.  Drop your greed, drop your future, drop your mind; become more loving, become more heartful and live from the heart.  And if many people start living that way, that is the only way to change the world.  The world cannot be changed directly because there is no soul to the world.  The soul exists in the individual; only individuals can be changed.” – Osho “The Path of Love” – pg. 41

If we change ourselves, we change the world, we are the world.  That is your only responsibility, self-responsibility.  I am not about political change, I am not about protests, I am not about revolutions, I am about an inner revolution.  One by one, as each individual becomes awakened, the world becomes awakened.  All you simply need to do is live your life fully in the present moment.  Train and exercise in joy, practice Martial Arts in joy, play music in joy, make love in joy, spend time with loved ones in joy.  Live a life in joy, presently aware, and this will solve all of the world’s problems.


  1. Great post and love need to be and this world

  2. Being in the present moment is so hard. That is why we should always strive towards that.


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