I am
reminded by Osho and through my experiences being a Shi zu of this kwoon that I
cannot organize a movement. All
organized movements are bound to fail.
All I can do is express myself and be myself, by doing so I may inspire
others to do the same. We are
essentially gathering together to share positive energy with one another. There cannot be a Martial Art style
established, there cannot be a specific Way established. We are primarily meant to express ourselves
and be ourselves. I cannot allow for others
to hold back my expression and I shall not step in the way of others expression. We come together because we sense a common
connection. This common connection
allows us to work together towards a common goal.
You are right. We are meant to be ourselves no what family, race, gender we are from. Criterias cannot define a human being. That is the problem I always have with family: parents always try to push their standards on their kids to feel better about themselves. They fail to realize their kids will always be themselves.