Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Processed Foods

Processed surgery foods and steroids are similar because they both give you a huge boost and you crash later. Eating surgery foods is like driving a nice sports car that run efficiently and with power, but when you cut yourself off your energy levels feel like you're driving an old wore down junky car that doesn't run half as good as the sports car.

I'm  struggling with this. For me it's not the taste of the food that makes me eat them, It's the boost of energy I get from them so I can have good workouts and training sessions. But it's the crash that really kills me, because when the energy is gone I have to eat more and more. This is a serious problem. I personaly think it is evil that these companies are doing this to the masses. But money rules the world and it has to be made somehow, right? Also, the people don't seem to mind it. These companies have the people where they want them. Here I am trying so hard to escape their vice. I can't get rid of these foods ether because my mother and my brother don't value health like I do, so it's always at my house. I'm constantly testing my will power. This is my hell because it is a blockage in my development.

I think I just have to fight through it for a while and let my body adjust to natural sources of carbs. I don't know,  I'm no expert. If I wasn't an active person I'd probably be over weight. I'm 5'6 I weigh 144    lbs. If I were to break from the vice these processed foods have over me I'd lose a good 10 lbs and be in better shape. Any advice would be appreciated.


  1. its okay if you are overweighted if you put your energy onto your work out i think it would help and force yourself to eat heathler

  2. 144 lbs isn't overweight. I'm just at a plateau. It's hard to break bad habits. I probably just need to take it more seriously. Thank you for your insight though.

  3. i meant if you are overweighte

  4. I apologize, I read your post wrong. But yes I agree with you.

  5. Not having it in your house in the first place is the most important. But if you can't stop that and you must eat it. Then I say exercise more. For every cookie you eat, do 200 sit-ups. For every cupcake, do 200 pushups, for every can of pop, do 10,000 jumping jacks. Earn your right to eat junk food.

    1. Good advice. This will come in handy for my weakness of ice cream.

  6. I under stand men people some people
    Is not gonna eat healthy all the time

    1. yay like sometimes i eat one of those big bag of chip spicy lays

  7. Lately ive been eating a lot of pb&j sandwhiches to help me gain weight

  8. Replies
    1. I would eat fast food instead, but i hate greasy foods

    2. im 149 pounds and iam 5ft 9 still in shape i only eat junk food on the weekends

  9. I did not eat junk food this weekend

  10. Today i ate 4 protein bars bag of chips jumbo bag of beef jerky and 6 tacos for dinner then hit some weights just now

    1. Since everyone else mentioned their weight im 5 11 and weigh 155 lbs

    2. I think freddie said he weighed 144 lbs he looks like hes around 170lbs to me thats very impressive


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