Tuesday, July 17, 2012



  1. Jump rope is looking awesome. Just a few weeks ago you couldn't even do it at all, remember that? This is an important obstacle to overcome, this will teach you that you are capable of accomplishing something as long as you maintain your discipline in your training.

    Is that your basement? If so, you sure got a lot of equipment to work with, if not, it must be nice to have a gym all to yourself.

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  3. I remember when I first started using a jump rope as an adult, it seemed like a terrible torture. Never seemed to be that insufferable when I was a child. Anyway, I found it helpful to play a game in my head. First, I'd try to skip 100 times, and only trip up once in every 25. If I screwed up more than that, then I started that 25 over. Result... I'd end up doing maybe 150 skips instead of 100. When that got too easy, which comes pretty quick, I went to 200 skips, and only allowed a screw up every 50. Again, this forced me to actually do 300 skips or so each session. That too soon became easy, and I just worked progressively higher, to where I would do 1000 skips (minimal), allowing no trips between sets of 100. By then, the jump rope didn't seem like a torture at all. It was something I looked forward to every other morning. I still count out the skip sets of 100 in my head now, but instead of forcing myself to repeat a set if I trip up, I know that when the trips start increasing I've probably done enough

  4. Jump rope...me and jr do not see eye to eye. I do need the jr however, I have a very bad habit of not training stuff that I dislike/can not perform, jr is really helping me with this negative in my training. I can absolutely see the improvements and it feels wonderful. I wish that was my basement but it's the gym. I go early between 5 and 6 am it works great no one seem to like the gym that early except for me. :) but my shed is almost done then I will have my own gym! All I have left to do is insulate it and put a cover or some matts on the floor and my home Kwoon will be ready to be trained in.

  5. Jia,
    this is great i can see you are starting to taste the zen in zen fitness :) you jump rope solid and listening to music is essential to self motivation when training inside. keep it up.


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