Friday, October 25, 2013

Truth in Electricity

In life, you can learn from pretty much everything. Life is broad so compartmentalize yourself will limit you from enjoying it to the fullest. What is life? It is something that cannot be described nor defined but electricity is one of the truth life can tell us about. Life is not going to actually speak to us; however, we can make a lot discoveries from it. There are lots of things we can learn from electricity. Electricity is felt but usually not seen. Can you see your attraction towards a woman? No you cannot! You feel it. Men and women are respectively positive pole and negative pole. Together relationship happen. You can think of relationship between men and women as... light bulb so to speak. :-).
Yesterday when I was at the library, I noticed that my laptop and my cell phone needed some charge so I plug my laptop. Since I have an Android phone and the charger has a USB port, I connect the USB port to my laptop and I leave my cell phone alone for a while. The bad news is... it did not charge much... Therefore, I asked myself: "What is going on here? Why does it charge so slow?" This leads me to use an actual outlet to plug the cell phone. You know what though, it get charged a lot faster. Mmm... Why? I kept wondering how did it get there so fast. Well let's face it: the computer was plug to the source was it not? Of course! Because I tried to charge my cell phone from my computer it could not absorbed much but when it is plugged to the source it gets there a lot faster. It makes sense now: it reiterate what Shi Zu Lee said on one of his videos: "Learn from the source not the followers of the source." He did not say it like that but you get the idea. Moral of the story: when you want to learn a craft, learn directly from the master of the craft not the student. If you want to be good at soccer learn from great players like Cristiano Ronaldo for example. If you want to learn how to box, learn from Muhammad Ali. You want to know about Christianity, learn from Jesus Christ himself not from the pastors nor priests. They will do nothing but confuse you. You might learn a thing or two from His followers but you will be much closer to truth if you listen to Jesus Christ himself. You might learn something the followers of Muhammad Ali or Cristiano Ronaldo but you will be much better if you learn from the master of boxing or the one in soccer. Why do you think Kobe had gone close to Michael Jordan? It is because he learned from Micheal Jordan himself. Someone that I would like to learn Electricity from is from the man called Nikola Tesla. If you watch his documentaries, you will realize how such a great man he is and how he wanted to make the world a better place. He is someone that I look up to. Few people will get to that level because the Westernized society is always leading towards destruction not creativity. I do not know if I can become another Tesla but as someone who trains in the Martial Arts, I wish to use my techniques for the good not for pointless destruction like the combat sport fighters and street fighters do. I also want to be able to use my programming skills and engineering skills for the good of the world not like Thomas Edison. Edison had a cage fighter's mind while Tesla had a Martial Artist mind. A Martial Artist mind is the source not the cage fighter's. I repeat to you again, plug your charger to the source otherwise your device will not charge as fast.


  1. Nice Post. Man nobody has posted on here in awhile! I enjoyed the read. It's funny when you mentioned that you cannot see the attraction, but I think you can, if you are naked and you are looking at a hot chick, you will get hard, then she will be able to see the attraction! Also the eyes and body language tells a lot, if you can read people right, you can actually see the attraction before your eyes by the way they look at you and their body language. It's something very interesting to study if you wish to find a mate.

  2. LOL. True, the hot girl can see the attraction when you are naked. Detecting body language is something that I have to work on. Sometimes, I can tell when someone is attracted to me, sometimes I cannot.
    Anyway, you are right. The blog is pretty much dead. I guess people lost motivation to post. Oh well, hopefully if they get more inspired they can post something.


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