Saturday, November 23, 2013

Calculus Concept of Divergence

This discovery I made was not something that someone told me about. I discover that within. Yes, this concept was taught by a professor but not the essence of it. To discover the essence, I had to look within. See? Reading is not research! Real research comes from your own experience. If we human beings knew more about tapping on the energy within, we would have got a lot smarter and even more peaceful. Instead of trusting ourselves, we prefer to look for instructions from politicians, news, books, ect.. Therefore, we lost the sense of who we are and we are so separated. I come to get a greater understanding of Bruce Lee saying: "Because of styles, people are separated. They are not united with each other." It is so true! Gotta give the man some credit. But thanks to what I discovered, I have got a greater understanding of myself. Please take a look at the video below. It is also my hope that it can be in the FMK channel as well.


  1. I was forced to study Calculus in College, after doing so, I never turned back. I'm so happy I can study what I please now. Only certain people will be naturally drawn towards something like that, I am just not one of them.

    1. Hahaha. I understand. I hope to be able to train in what I want as well. I mean I want to be an engineer but at the same time, I believe engineering is being used for the wrong reasons. Someone like Tesla will never be back again. Engineering is not about creativity anymore. It's used only for profit and pretty much nothing else.


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