Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Elite Artist

Most people that practice Martial Arts are practicing for health and wellness but few will take it to the highest level of elite levels of fitness, because it is an Art, there is less pressure, less motivation. People that practice sports, such as basketball, football, wrestling, boxing, because they want to reach professional status and become the best in the sport, they are more motivated to reach elite levels of fitness, and also because of the money rewards of course. Most of all Artists simply do not train as hard as professional athletes. Of course Artists will become healthier by their practice but few will reach high levels of athleticism. They have to dig deep inside to find the inner motivation that is beyond greed.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that is why I will always respect you. You found the inner motivation to work out even when there is no pressure. It takes a real man to do so.


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