Saturday, June 16, 2012


Health and Disease [are] is the Very Stuff the Mind of the Human Brain is made of.

Part 1 

The Human Brain was designed to operate itself according to meanings acquired through irritating incoming stimuli from everything known and unknown in it's surrounding environment….including time and place. Whatever can be identified or unidentified is a facet constituting the surrounding environment. 

Every known and unknown factor impinging upon the human neurological system through verifiable and unverifiable senses..... incorporated into our human design … the source responsible for establishing potentials into our constitutional design. 

Electro-chemical activity assumes the exact pattern and arrangement that the irritant pressuring its presence on the neuron-network has upon contact with it whether it is light, scent, sound, or whatever known and unknown form matter has been placed in to deliver information from the environment. 

This environment exist in two places- 

1. Outside which has been described somewhat and 

2. 2. Internally which happens to be the photonic arrangement which constitutes our human form, our DNA, and genes. 

We are instructed from and by these two immediate levels; identified as internal and external. 

One is actually handed down to us genetically by preceding generations of families that we offspring from, which of course, we have no control over. The other we’ve already proven that we have some control over by using our physical activity to bring about physical displacement; and only a physical displacement. 

It does not improve our health; it only reveals the space we have to move in when we volition to do so. Lets apply this principle described to our physical machine; acrobats, physical postures, conditioning muscles to increase in flexibility do not improve our health, they only reveal the range of motion our levers were design to execute to begin with which we had denied them by the omission of much needed maintenance. We had other interests in mind instead. 

Lets look imaginatively at where health is and where it takes place. Imaginatively speaking and the imagination is the Highest Crown of Achievement given to the human brain, which slowly emerges from the mind which is actually the sum result of all electro-chemical interactions working in our human biology and physical frame and existing in every atom composing whom we are, and not just within the brain. 

Remove everything visible, if that were possible, and the only thing remaining would be an electrical pattern of atoms holding together; this thing remaining is the human spirit or chi where health occurs and exists. This is what we either program to decrease or increase in intensity; health or dis-ease is what occurs when what we do either: instructs it to increase or decrease in intensity. 

Health is as it applies in this explanation, the amount of freedom we give it to increase and expand in or dis-ease the amount of freedom we take from it which instructs it to decrease and shrink in. 

Therefore, health is an increase in electro-chemical activity and its surging intensity and dis-ease is a decrease in its intensity. When we use exercises of every kind.... 

we are simply exposing our sensing mechanism to atomic levels of impacts: pressures and their alterations, that the electro-chemical process was specifically designed to respond generically to and repetitiously. 

What I am saying here is that actions of every kind used as exercise are not the actual thing doing the healing. Exercise of any kind when performed produce potential energy which does not come directly in contact with the actual energy operating within our body; the actual energy operating within our body animating the actions, was designed to equate to the potential energy arising from the action… equivalently.

An example: when we take what seems like an ordinary wire with no electricity flowing through it attached to a light bulb that does not light up to indicate the absence of a live wire, as we know it, and we then choose to pass this wire through a rotating coil of wire in close proximity to magnets also safe to the touch………an electrical current begins to flow through the wire to light up the bulb and indicate a live wire.; neither the wire and the rotating coil and magnet are in contact. 

The arising magnetic field is potential energy which causes the electrical energy in the atoms of the wire to activate in alignment and increase in electrical energy (electricity) and flow across the wire. Electrical energy duplicates the electrical patterns of potential energy in order to reproduce more of itself generically. 

When we recognize where we are in the steps or phases and how much we control by doing or not doing, we can better understand how we can help the way we were designed to increase in health or dis-ease. 

The human brain was designed to improve itself by using the very stuff it is made of to produce more of itself in either direction of health or dis-ease. We can only help from the outside by doing so that the potentials that arise become sources our life energy can use  and has a pattern blue-print from which to generically reproduce equivalent energy patterns and incorporate them into the very stuff it is made of
To be continued:. 

Dr. Ramon G. Rivera 
Dr. Rivera’s IDEA/ACTION [Training] Studio

禅 保 手 功夫
Zen Protecting Hands Gungfu
Kinesic Shadow Boxing

Health and Disease is the Very Stuff the Mind of the Human Brain is made of. 

Part Two. 

From Part One: 

1. The Human Brain was designed to operate itself according to meanings acquired through irritating incoming stimuli from everything known and unknown in it surrounding environment….including time and place. Whatever can be identified or unidentified is a facet constituting the surrounding environment. 

2. Every known and unknown factor impinging upon the human neurological system through verifiable and unverifiable senses incorporated into our human design … the source responsible for establishing potentials into our constitutional design. 

3. Electro-chemical activity assumes the exact pattern and arrangement that the irritant pressuring its presence on the neuron-network has upon contact with it whether it is light, scent, sound, or whatever known and unknown form matter has been placed in to deliver information from the environment. What I am saying here is that actions of every kind used as exercise are not the actual thing doing the healing. 

4. Exercise of any kind when performed produce potential energy which does not come directly in contact with the actual energy operating within our body; the actual energy operating within our body animating the actions, was designed to equate to the potential energy arising from the action… equivalently. 

Lets look closer at the four descriptions above from the previous submission by looking at other occurrences indicating "that is precisely what is happening to all creatures on earth designed by Mother Nature." 

To prove the validity of what is described in the four identified as happening to the human being, Quantum Physicists with the hobby of studying animal behavior generally and how it is they learn without a class room sitting specifically…discover an amazing reality that the electromagnetic field surrounding the earth and permeating the space between all objects and creatures occupying it, reverberates effects from one place to another regardless of the distance. 

The Quantum Physicists termed it with this label- Harmonic Resonance. 

Particles, Atoms, and Molecules of every known and unknown wavelengths and frequencies bump and crash into each other in either orderly, disorderly, and collective reactions to transmit whatever the source was that initiated their movement. In this domino effect of immense proportions an enormous amount of information is transmitted through and by the displacements of the mediums irritated into activity. Vibrations on many parallel levels of electromagnetic radiations. 

Here’s what they noticed on the surface and the surface is found by looking at the creatures it impinges upon and the behaviors elicited: Birds in one part of the world faced by a crisis were forced to adapt for survival by developing a new behavior and response; and mysteriously enough, birds of the same species in another part of the world exhibited the same new behavior for survival without experiencing the demand of the crisis. Harmonic Resonance Doing It’s Thing by spreading the message and programming the reactive readiness into the creatures in need of the improvement and keeping them from extinction. 

A simpler example: take a tuning fork, strike against something and it will duplicate the impact and effect by vibrating equivalently; now hold it against another tuning fork that has not be stricken and draw it slowly towards the tuning fork and the tuning fork will begin to vibrate in intensity proportionally to the distance of the vibrating tuning fork. That happens because the information of the strike, impact and effect is being messaged through the field in space towards the un-struck tuning fork. 

This transmission of information is constantly occurring on a subliminal level escaping immediate detection by anything or anyone not aware of it beforehand. 

This is a universal principal operating independent of all things it effects or depend upon it for intently tapping into it. Whether we are aware of its existence or not, it does its work faithfully causing and responding to all things done or undone. 

It is important to know this so that we can see how it works on the human scale pertinent to all our human interests. It is the cause, the through, and the effect that all things have their beginning, their duration, and their end no matter the time scale and frame. 

How does this apply to Health and Dis-ease? 

Your Doing something or anything is transmitted to your Brain according to the same principle in an equivalent manner.  [Harmonic Resonance]

We are at the mercy of all this impinging and bombardment of information that we have no way consciously of defying. But Hark! All is not lost because we have been given an advantage that all other animals do not have on the same level that we do. And that Is- we have the cognitive skill to gauge and graduate into the wavelength and frequency we prefer to receive instruction or programming in. 

We do so by isolating specific action and repeating it over and over in as many forms the action exists in and establish a habit that draws to itself (attracts) more of the same kind of action specifically even as it exists in the permeating electromagnetic field blasting at us all our lives. 

Our Brain having formed the habit from the actions practiced over and over, filters and targets into itself any similar instruction found in the electromagnetic waves that even look like the action practiced over and over. 

What we practice the most will draw energy from the surrounding source… increasing or decreasing…in either our Health or Dis-ease……..through Harmonic Resonance.
Not to be confused with thinking that you can gain knowledge without studying by placing your books underneath your pillow,  place your head over it upon the pillow, sleep and wake up with absorbed knowledge from the contents of the book.  Not the same; you have to do something before any kind of resonance kicks in. Totally different animal subject. 

By now a Light bulb ought to have lit. And you can imagine how our actions and no action transmits instruction conducive to Health or Dis-ease to us as our Physical State. 

Any questions during these submissions will be answered in any following submission. 

Feel free to ask at the above email. 

Dr. R.G. Rivera
Homeopathy Minister

禅 保 手 功夫
Zen Protecting Hands Gungfu
Kinesic Shadow Boxing

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until
I set him 'free.' "
--Michelangelo - and
So Say I!

Dr. Rivera's IDEA/ACTION [Training] Studio

This post and the following posts have been made possible by permission and invitation from SIFU FREDDIE LEE.  I Thank You Sifu.

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  1. Thank you very much for your contribution, I look forward to seeing more of your posts on this blog.

  2. לדעת אחרים היא המודיעין;
    לדעת את עצמך היא החוכמה האמיתית.
    אחרים מאסטרינג הוא כוח;
    מאסטרינג את עצמך היא הכוח האמיתי. ~
    לאו דזה
    Knowing others is intelligence;
    knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength;
    mastering yourself is true power.~



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