Monday, February 2, 2015

Life Will Not Follow You

Life Will Not Follow You

“Remember, life is not going to follow you, you have to follow life – grudgingly, happily, that’s your choice.  If you follow grudgingly you will be in suffering.  If you follow happily you become a Buddha, your life becomes an ecstasy.” – Osho “hsin hsin ming” pg. 184

No matter what happens in life, accept it.  There are no positive and negative experiences, there are just experiences.  When you experience the “positive” be in total joy, when you experience the “negative”, accept it as a time of growth.  Everything is meant to happen for a reason, every experience is an experience of joy.  Birth, death, love, hate, day, night, marriage, divorce, togetherness, separation, the beginning, graduation, laughter, sadness, smiling, crying, etc.  Every experience is a beautiful experience, accept everything that life has to offer, this is enlightenment.


  1. So, so true! Thank you for sharing this one Freddie. I really appreciate it.

  2. Nice post! It is true indeed! As for myself i focus to become a greater version of myself, a version who takes everything for an experience. It is very hard tho, it takes great dedication, i don't know if i will ever reach that level. But i will at least be able to say that i tryed.


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