Friday, May 8, 2015

Following your Heart

I once heard that one of my friend said: "Eating unhealthy food is bad for your heart." She got a point there. Now, in Christianity, they often said that the heart is deceitfully wicked. I believe that it is B.S. Your heart is not wicked. It is only wicked because you never learn to take care of it. You allow your mind to make the wrong decisions about what to eat. As a result, the food goes in your heart and mess it up. In following your heart, you have to listen to what it really wants and needs. This is why meditation, which is about paying attention, is the only way to grasp the language of the heart. Meditation will guide you towards greater physical and mental health. When we meditate, we go into our heart space, the space we have been ignoring for years because of what society had bombarding us with. Maybe we have let ourselves be told what to think, what to believe, what to buy, where to work because again, we never truly learn to listen to our heart. Now is the time to do it. It is now or never.

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