Tuesday, February 10, 2015

This is what's out there


And this is without the guns.


  1. It's kinda hard to be prepared for this shit when you're in a chilllin' state of mind. These attackers are already minded in whoopin your ass or killiing it. You can train hard, be prepared to counter or avoid these kinds of situations, but sometimes, you're just fucked. It is a reality that we have to accept in a certain way. You can defend yourself as much as you want. In certain scenario, you cannot respond because the threat is overwealming. An overwealming threat is something to be awared of, once you get awared of that, you will train your mind and spirit diffirently, a way of peace and compassion.

    1. Yeah, that's true sometimes you are just fucked. Based on this video I think weapons are the only way of surviving an attack where there's multiple attackers, but even with that you could get killed.

    2. Yeah, there's some attack in the video where a gun would be needed for defense.

  2. That video was intense, it does show the reality of what can happen. Thank you for sharing, I plan to make a post about it.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thank you for sharing this. It saddens me to see people with so much potential for love resort to the such an incredibly low level of human expression. This is why we practice combat. It's a fun means of exercise and of expression, but it is also there for us to protect our own lives and our own love that we have to share with the world. Martial Arts restores balance.

    1. I agree with that, Martial Arts restore balance, since there's no martial art in the west there's no balance. And people like me, I try to find it.

  5. This should be an eye opening video for everyone who practices Martial Art. These guys are not so called using Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Judo, or any style. They are just using natural movement. It ain't all that fighting in the ring. You can boast how such a great fighter you are but in the street you ain't nothing. This is what we all should be prepared for. We should aim not to fight but if we are to fight, it is either you live or you do not!

    1. That's right, in the streets it's totally different,


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