Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Healthy Man

"A healthy man wants to love -- not to possess, not to dominate.  A healthy man rejoices in life --he does not go begging for votes.  It is the people who are suffering from deep inferiority who want to have some power, to prove to themselves and to others that they are superior.  The really superior person does not care a thing about power.  He knows his superiority, he lives his superiority.  In his songs, in his dances, in his poetry, in his paintings, in his music he lives his superiority.  Only the inferior ones are left for politics." - Osho

"A Martial Artist is a healthy man who wants to love, he does not wish to possess and he does not wish to dominate.  A Martial Artist lives his life in joy, he is not concerned about pleasing the masses, he does not strive after fame.  It is the Fighters who are suffering from deep inferiority who want to have power, who strive after belt rankings, medals, and trophies to prove to themselves and others that they are superior.  A real Martial Artist does not care a thing about power, he does not care a thing about belt rankings, medals, trophies, and fame.  He knows his superiority, he lives his superiority.  In his training, in his kung fu dances, in his poetry, in his safe sparring, in his forms, in his music he lives his superiority.  Only the inferior ones are left for combat sport." - Sifu Freddie Lee

1 comment:

  1. So very true I agree the fighters are only striving for fame and recognition to comfort their own ego and they are weak not only in spirit but are weak in the body as well. A real martial artist is strong where he does not need to show his strength through fighting or physically harming another living organism but can show it through dance, music, safe sparring, or even playing with his or her children etc etc.


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