Monday, July 15, 2013

Catching up

Now that my writers block is at an end and craziness of life has hit a steady point, I'll catch you all up on what's been new and some thoughts I happened upon while I was gone. 

For the sake of levity, I'm going to format this potion of the post in the form of a narration in a drama television show :D

Last time in the Life of Todai Changpu! Work has been nuts these past few weeks. With the recent changes in staff and the independence day concert at my church (where I work as well as attend) I have been unable to, in my fleeting free moments, think about much or have the time to train. This made me super sad because as most of you know, Kung fu and the training is very important to me and I feel as though I have lost something when I don't get to train or post. In my absence though, I did have time to consider a few things about the nature of work and how much value we place on it. Most often people will work their whole lives but are never satisfied with what they do. They always strive for something they feel "happy" doing. I have a theory that this is scenario only happens in the lives of people who took too much time "considering" what they wanted to do in life. Their persistent uncertainty likely stems from early onset commitment issues, unwillingness to be "categorized" as a particular vocation or, what I feel is most common, is an unrealistic expectation of true happiness. Many of the college students I talk to can be fitted into one of these categories and while it is not a bad thing to be uncertain about your desired life path early on, the older you get, the older it becomes.  Most people imagine that they will only be happy when they have achieved x. X here being the variable of the "american dream" because we all have different perceptions of what that actually is outside of the stereotype. The issue with x is that it is unattainable without much sacrifice and time spent to achieve it. While that in and of itself is not inherently bad, you might in fact be burning bridges and moving beyond paths that would lead to something that will actually make you happy as opposed to something you think will do so. The point I'm driving at is that we as people, within the kwoon and in life, should take joy in the simple things and not take for granted the things that come easy. We should enjoy the things that we have worked for. Be mindful of sacrifices you make if you wish to strive for more. You can't go back once the bridge is burnt or the path has been laid asunder.

1 comment:

  1. I miss seeing you on here, I hope to see more posts from you and to see you more often in training!


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