Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Being celibate for a long period is easy but not easy at the same time. When i mean celibate, i mean no sex, no affection, no love with another human being. And i feel that a long period of celibacy without sex, without affection, without love will either build you or break you in a way. You can end up being depressed or can forge yourself like you never did before. I choose the second option. I could give up and get in a relationship with a woman i don't like just for sex and affection but i refuse. I know, feel and believe that somewhere in this little planet lies a wonderful woman with who i can share my life with and make a great team, it's a matter of patience. It's been 7 years since my last relationship and i've kissed like two girls since. I refuse to loose confidence, i refuse to give myself to anybody. I choose to be patient, get better body,mind & spirit and accept this time of my life as a gift. I know there is a bunch of special womans outhere and i will meet one of them who will fit nicely with me in due time. If it doesn't happen, at least i know deep down that i never gave up. But for anybody who is living something similar, remember this. If you learn to be happy 95% of the time all by yourself, imagine what it will be with a partner. Don't give up!

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